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Create AccountThe Praxis scoring system depends on the type of questions that are on the exam. For exams with only selected response questions, scores can be determined fairly accurately the day of the test. For exams with constructed response questions scores will take about a month or more to receive. Praxis can tell you when your scores will be received using the Praxis score tool. Raw scores are just the number of questions correct out of the total number of questions. Official scores are converted on the Praxis scoring scale and adjusted for test difficulty. Official scores for the majority of Praxis tests are out of 200 points because they have been converted using the Praxis scoring scale to account for test difficulty and to differentiate them from raw scores. Keep reading this article for more details about Praxis test scoring.
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Create AccountPraxis tests with selected response questions are graded by a computer and verified by the Educational Testing Service. Constructed response questions are graded by multiple expert scorers. Either the same two scorers review each question and their scores are averaged or a different scorer reviews each question. Whichever method is used, your grade will not depend on only one scorer. The Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators exam has 3 subtests: Reading (#5713), Writing (#5723), and Mathematics (#5733). The Praxis Core Reading and Praxis Core Math consist of only selected response type questions. So, a fairly accurate score may be available the day of the test. However, it is best practice to wait for the official report of scaled scores, especially since those are the only scores accepted by licensing boards. The Praxis Core Writing consists of both selected response and constructed response questions. Therefore, it will take longer to receive a score because the expert scorers need time to review the constructed response questions. The score after being graded is the raw score. It is solely the number of questions correct out of the total number of questions on the exam. This raw score is then converted using the Praxis "raw-to-scale score conversion" chart for that exam into a score that is usually, but not always, out of 200 points. This scaled score is adjusted for test difficulty. This is the official score that will be reported to licensing boards. Raw scores for each content category are also included in the score report. Each state sets the passing score for each exam in their state. Praxis provides detailed information about state requirements for each state.
A detailed score report will be available on your Praxis account about a month after the exam. There is a lot of information included in the Praxis score report. Praxis provides an example score report to aid in interpreting the information. The first page includes the name of the test taken, a chart that indicates your score, the names of institutions the score was sent to, and a statement of pass or fail. The chart is a line chart with 100 at one end and 200 at the other end. Your scaled official score is noted along that line. Also noted on that line is the average score range for that exam, so candidates can compare their score to other candidates' scores. An indication of pass or fail is clearly marked on the first page. The second page lists all institutions/licensing boards that received the scores, your highest score from the last 10 years, the required Praxis scores by state, whether scores were sent, an indication of pass or fail, and the exam date. The highest score is only recorded if a test-taker has taken the exam more than once. If this is the first time taking the exam there is only one score to report. If the test has been taken multiple times only the highest score will be sent to institutions. So if the latest score is not the highest, then the new score will not be reported to institutions. The third page includes a list of each content area, the raw score for each content area, and average score range for each content area. Raw scores are reported as the number of questions correct out of the total number of questions. The average score range is the middle 50 percent of scores for that test. This can help candidates compare their scores to the average candidate's score.
The Praxis raw score is simply the total number of correct questions out of the total number of questions. For example, if an exam has 70 questions and a test-taker got 55 questions correct their raw score would be 55. Raw scores are not used for licensing because they do not consider the difficulty of the exam. Raw scores can be used for test-takers to see how well they did in each content section of the exam. Raw scores can be helpful to see which areas a test-taker is doing well in and which areas need more practice.
Praxis converts raw scores into the official number that is reported to licensing boards. This is done to account for test difficulty. Despite great efforts to make sure each version of an exam has a similar level of difficulty, there will always be some differences. The Educational Testing Service (ETS) has created a chart to convert Praxis raw score to scaled score to equate different versions of exams. If a test is more difficult, less correct answers will be needed to reach the same scaled score, while an easier test will require more correct answers to achieve the same scaled score. The ETS also created a new grading scale to differentiate the scaled scores from the raw scores. The range of possible scores are completely different between raw and scaled scores. Often the scaled scores are out of 200 possible points, which sets them apart from raw scores that are usually out of a number less than 100. For tests with only selected response questions, like the Reading and Mathematics subtests of the Praxis Core, a preliminary scaled score may be available immediately after the exam. However, this score has not been verified by the ETS. It is always good practice to wait for the official score report. These official scores are the only scores reported to and accepted by licensing boards.
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Create AccountIt usually takes about a month for Praxis scores to be reported. It can take a little longer for tests with a constructed response section, like the Writing (#5723) subtest of the Praxis Core. Praxis provides an interactive tool that tells when scores will be reported based on Praxis test dates and which exam was taken. Praxis scores expire after 10 years. During those 10 years, test-takers can request official score reports be sent to institutions and licensing boards for a $50 fee. Score reports are also available to be downloaded on your Praxis account for 10 years. After those 10 years, score reports are no longer able to be downloaded from your Praxis account or sent to licensing boards. If you took an exam before July 21, 2017, but within 10 years, you will need to order a score report for $50 to access your scores.
Nicole McCaig, M.A. is an elementary school teacher with over 10 years of experience teaching and mentoring novice teachers. She has successfully passed the Praxis and holds a New Jersey Standard Teaching Certificate in Elementary Education K-5. Nicole graduated with an M.A. in Teaching from Monmouth University. She is dedicated to contributing to e-learning platforms and serving schools in disadvantaged areas, as she believes that quality education should be accessible to all.
Praxis scores are graded either on a computer for selected response questions or by an expert scorer for constructed response questions. The raw score from this grading is then converted using the 'raw-to-scaled conversion' chart created by the Educational Testing Service for that exam. This scaled score takes into account the difficulty of the exam version you took.
For exams with only selected response questions taken on a computer, a preliminary scaled score may be available at the end of the exam. These scores do not include constructed response questions and are not verified by the Educational Testing Service. Official scores are available about a month after the exam has been taken. It is best practice to wait for official scores, as those are the only scores accepted by licensing boards.
Raw scores for each Praxis exam differ in the total amount of questions. So, when the Educational Testing Service created the 'raw-to-scale conversion' charts they created a more uniform scoring scale that is clearly different from raw scores. Most Praxis exams have scaled scores that are out of 200 possible points. It is important to check your specific exam to see the total possible points for that exam.
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