TExES Chemistry 7-12 (240) Practice Test & Study Guide

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What is the TExES Chemistry 7-12 (240)?

The TExES Chemistry 7-12 (240) exam is a standardized test required by the Texas public school system for educators who wish to teach 7th-through-12th-grade chemistry. College graduates and certified teachers are eligible to take this exam. You may also qualify to take the TExES Chemistry 7-12 if you are enrolled in a certification program, but you must obtain permission from your certification program before registration.

TExES exam registration for the TExES Chemistry 7-12 costs $116.00; additional fees may apply. This exam is a CAT (computer-administered test) consisting of 100 multiple-choice questions. You will have 5 hours to complete the exam. A fifteen-minute tutorial on how to take a CAT is provided before testing, leaving a total of 4 hours and 45 minutes to complete the exam. Passing the TExES exam will demonstrate that you possess the expertise necessary to instruct students in high school-level chemistry.

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What is on the TExES Chemistry 7-12 (240) Exam?

The TExES Chemistry 7-12 exam is divided into four broad categories of subject matter known as domains. These domains are designed to assess various standards of science teaching. A total of nine standards are incorporated in the TExES exams. They are used to evaluate a teacher's understanding of the use and management of classroom resources, the care and ethical treatment of laboratory specimens, and student safety during learning activities. These standards also gauge the teacher's knowledge of fundamental scientific concepts and their processes, the history and nature of science, how science influences and affects individuals and societies, how students learn science, and the assessments and practices used to monitor science learning.

In addition to standards, each of the four domains is defined by competencies and descriptive statements. These statements describe in greater detail what you will need to know to pass the TExES Chemistry 7-12.

Domain I: Scientific Inquiry and Processes

The Scientific Inquiry and Processes domain accounts for 24% of the exam with 24 multiple-choice questions. It assesses six different teaching standards: standards I-III, VI-VII, and XI. It is also defined by competencies 001-004.

Domain I: Scientific Inquiry and Processes
Percentage of Exam 24%
Number of Questions 24
Standards Assessed I-III, VI-VII, XI
Competencies Covered 001-004

The standard topics covered under this domain include utilizing safety regulations and guidelines to ensure student safety during learning activities, the proper use of scientific tools and resources, general knowledge of scientific inquiry and its processes, the history and nature of science, the importance of mathematics in science, an understanding of basic concepts that link all fields of scientific study, and the influence of science on individuals and societies.

In addition to these standards, the competencies addressed in this domain cover such subjects as recognizing and preventing potential safety hazards and accidents; the conservation, reuse, and recycling of resources; an understanding of the International System of Units and how to perform calculations and unit conversions; an understanding of the concepts of statistical measures and analysis; knowledge of precision, accuracy, and error; and the use of tools and techniques to gather, organize, analyze and communicate data.

Domain II: Matter and Energy

The Matter and Energy domain comprises 41% of the exam with 41 multiple-choice questions. It assesses standard VIII and is defined by competencies 005-011.

Domain II: Matter and Energy
Percentage of Exam 41%
Number of Questions 41
Standards Assessed VIII
Competencies Covered 005-011

Standard VIII addresses the knowledge and ability of an educator to teach the science content required by the Texas state curriculum. Competencies included in this domain evaluate a teacher's knowledge of the properties of matter; atomic structure and the characteristics of atoms; the properties of gasses; ionic and covalent bonds and their properties and characteristics; interpreting chemical notation and equations; the different types of solutions and their properties; and knowledge of the energy transformations that take place during physical and chemical processes.

Domain III: Chemical Reactions

The Chemical Reactions domain makes up 23% of the exam with 23 multiple-choice questions. This domain assesses standard VIII and covers competencies 012-015.

Domain III: Chemical Reactions
Percentage of Exam 23%
Number of Questions 23
Standards Assessed VIII
Competencies Covered 012-015

Standard VIII has already been defined above under Domain II: Matter and Energy. The competencies for Domain III are designed to assess a teacher's knowledge of chemical kinetics and equilibrium; chemical reactions and rate laws; Arrhenius, Brønsted-Lowry, and Lewis models; the properties and reactions of acids, bases, and salts; the relationship between pH and hydrogen ion concentrations; acid-base equilibria, titration, and buffers; neutralization and oxidation-reduction reactions; solution concentration and stoichiometry; electrochemical cells; nuclear reactions; fission and fusion; radioactivity and radioactive decay; and the half-life of elements. These competencies also determine a teacher's ability to identify and evaluate factors that affect chemical reaction rates; solve chemical equilibrium problems; identify chemical properties of various household chemicals; interpret and balance nuclear reaction equations, and identify various concerns related to nuclear energy use.

Domain IV: Science Learning, Instruction, and Assessment

The Science Learning, Instruction, and Assessment domain accounts for 12% of the exam with 12 multiple-choice questions. It assesses teaching standards IV-V and is defined by competencies 016-017.

Domain IV: Science Learning, Instruction, and Assessment
Percentage of Exam 12%
Number of Questions 12
Standards Assessed IV-V
Competencies Covered 016-017

Standards IV and V assess a science teacher's knowledge regarding science instruction, how a student learns science, and the assessments and practices used to monitor learning progress.

Competencies for this domain are intended to test the ability of teachers to acknowledge and promote student diversity; ensure the comprehension of learning materials for all students; promote student engagement, self-motivation, and learning equality; recognize how different experiences, attitudes, and learned behaviors influence science learning; and build student knowledge while challenging them to think outside the box. Additional subjects include the use of inquiry methods in the development of scientific investigations; providing opportunities for all students to participate in scientific investigation; guiding students in developing, testing, and evaluating scientific questions, hypotheses, and results; directing students in gathering data and recognizing potential sources of error; understanding the use of different types of assessment tools and methods and limiting their use to their intended purpose, and using assessments to uncover student's misconceptions about science while finding ways to address those misconceptions.

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How to Prepare for the TExES Chemistry 7-12 (240) Exam

Preparation is essential to passing any exam. It is always advisable to start studying early to avoid cramming. Make sure you review the TExES Chemistry 7-12 study guide before taking the test. This guide contains tips and information on the exam content as well as practice questions which will help you get a feel of the test format. While the exam is multiple-choice, not all questions deal with factual learning. Some questions require critical thinking, analysis, or comparison. You may also be provided with a stimulus such as a reading passage, map, graph, or an audio or video clip. Be sure to read each question carefully before answering so that you know what information needs to be provided. Finally, be sure to answer all questions. Unanswered questions will be counted as incorrect and will affect your score.

A periodic table and physical constants reference sheet, and a calculator will be made available to you during the test on-screen. You can practice with the calculator before the exam by downloading the CAT tutorial. You can find this tutorial along with study planning materials and test content on the Texas Educator Certification Examination Program website.

TExES Chemistry 7-12 (240) Practice Test

Taking a TExES Chemistry 7-12 practice test is an indispensable resource when preparing for the exam. Knowing your material ahead of time will not only provide you with more confidence while taking your exam it will also help eliminate some of the stress that comes with test-taking. TExES practice test allows you to reinforce the information that you have learned while alerting you to areas where your knowledge is lacking.

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How to Register for the TExES Chemistry 7-12 Exam

Registration for the TExES Chemistry 7-12 exam is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, through the Texas Educator Certification Examination Program webpage. Before registering for this exam, you will need to set up a TEA Educator Profile with the Texas Education Agency. You will have to enter your TEA ID Number during the registration process, so be sure to have that information on hand. To complete the registration process, simply click on the ''Register'' tab of the Texas Educator Certification Examination Program webpage and enter the required information. Testing for the TExES Chemistry 7-12 exam is available year-round by scheduled appointment in the state of Texas and nationwide on a first-come, first-serve basis.

TExES Chemistry 7-12 Scoring

A final score of 240 is required to pass the TExES Chemistry 7-12 exam. TExES scores are generally posted within 7 days of your testing date. The Texas Educator Certification Examination Program webpage has a schedule that lists the earliest score report date for your exam. Test scores will post to your online account by 10:00 p.m. Central time. Once you receive your test scores, you will have the option of canceling your test score. If you choose to accept your score, your results will be sent to the Texas Education Agency and - if applicable - your education preparation program. If you choose to cancel your score, keep in mind that you will not be eligible for a refund or credit, you cannot reinstate your score, and you must wait at least 30 days before testing again.

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Expert Contributor

Raquel Salinas

Raquel Salinas has over 12 years of experience teaching in an elementary setting. She has taken both ExCET and TExES exams, passing the Early Childhood, Elementary (1-8), Math (4-8), Art (EC-12), and English as a Second Language Supplemental (EC-12). Raquel is currently pursuing a PhD in Educational Leadership from St. Thomas University. She earned her Master's degree in Reading from University of Texas-Pan American and her B.A. in Studio Art from the University of Notre Dame.

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  1. Organic molecules always contain _____.
    • Correct Answer
  2. What is the shape of a Boron Trifluoride molecule, BF3?
    What is the shape of a Boron Trifluoride molecule, BF<span style="vertical-align: sub">3</span>?
    • Correct Answer
  3. What is a nonbonding electron domain?
    • Correct Answer
  4. When polonium-218 decays, it emits a beta particle, followed by an alpha particle. The resulting isotope is:
    • Correct Answer
  5. What is the energy required to break a nucleus into its individual nucleons called?
    • Correct Answer
  6. The charges on beta particles (Β - ), alpha particles (α) and gamma (γ) rays are _____ respectively.
    • Correct Answer
  7. Based on Avogadro's number, which of the following is FALSE?

    (For reference: the molar mass of helium is 4 g, and the molecular mass of carbon is 12 g.)

    • Correct Answer
  8. What did Rutherford discover in his gold foil experiment?
    • Correct Answer
  9. Why should you avoid looking directly at magnesium burning?
    • Correct Answer
  10. What does an increase in temperature do to the reaction rate?
    • Correct Answer
  11. When the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction, what has occurred?
    • Correct Answer
  12. Which of the following household chemicals is the main ingredient in bleach or bleach products?
    • Correct Answer
  13. What is Ksp?
    • Correct Answer
  14. What happens in a neutralization reaction?
    • Correct Answer
  15. The base NH3 dissociates in water to make NH4+ and OH-. What is the conjugate acid?
    • Correct Answer

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